I finally got this blog thing figured out, I think. My good friends Lindsy and Amanda made me get a blog so we can stay in touch with each other and see how fast our kids our growing up.... ok confession I wanted one but didn't even know how to create one haha. Now days theres facebook, pintrest, blogs, instagram, etc. SERIOUSLY people I can barely keep up with my kids energy! Anyways I'm super excited to have this so I can post cute pictures of my lil squirt! So to make this easy on me I'm gonna start with pics from Milan's first birthday! Then up till now.
Lately- I've recently started a side fun bussiness with hyrum's grandma, making bean bags for little kids! It is getting so fun the more we get into it. We fill the bags with foam so they are more comfy, and last longer! Let me know if your intrested ;) Milan uses his all the time! Pictures coming soon! We recently took a trip to St. George and had such a good time with our friends! I got a new lens for my camera and LOVE it! Hyrum has just been doing his dream job - seminary, and just put his truck up for sale:( This weekend we are headed to Boise to spend some time with Hyrum's parents. And maybe sneak in some sewing time;)